social disease

美 [ˈsoʊʃl dɪˈziːz]英 [ˈsəʊʃl dɪˈziːz]
  • 网络社会疾病;社会病;艾滋病被冠以社会疾病;花柳病;花柳医生
social diseasesocial disease


a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
Synonym: venereal disease VD venereal infection Cupid's itch Cupid's disease Venus's curse dose sexually transmitted disease STD


  1. And scholars have published many papers from different angles , such as medical illness , social disease , historical geography , cultural content and political perspective .


  2. Objective To investigate social disease burden and social economic burden in countryside with high-incidence of AIDS , and provide basic information for the prevention of AIDS in countryside .


  3. Over-connectedness is the social disease of the new millennium3 .


  4. Prejudice is a social disease .


  5. Regulate market management of social disease ;


  6. Leprosy is a chronic and consumptive social disease .


  7. The social disease of sociopathy should NOT be allowed to spread via media of any sort in any civilized society .


  8. Corruption , like an anti-social virus , pervades the world in different forms and developing countries often view this problem as an incurable social disease .


  9. People tend to be sympathetic , but you start to feel bad vibrations , as if you 've just told them you have a social disease .


  10. Through the angle of medical sociology , to think that this abnormal syndrome is actually a kind of " social disease " under the state of repeated cycle .


  11. Objective To compare and analyze the effect of social disease burden for two different measure for project county and non-project county TB control , evaluate the financial effect of TB control measure .


  12. Nostalgic theme is attractive though not simple . Its attraction is contained in its own contradictions and fuzziness : nostalgia can be a kind of social disease , but it can also be creative emotion .


  13. Such descriptions of a scar as Luxun made in his novels reflect the thoughts always passing through his mind , that is , analyzing the depth of the soul , presenting social disease , and relating a mi .


  14. They all accorded with the diagnostic criteria for severe depression of American social mental disease , and they all knew the interventional schema and agreed .


  15. In order to effectively combat and combat corruption , it must cause of the phenomenon of corruption and re-examine and analyze the quasi-pulse , right , find this social vicious disease prevention measures .


  16. However , when the various media are filled with reports which related to the " Virtual Social Dependence Disease ", we found out that the virtual communication has became the netizens ' lifestyle , and has became the indispensable thing in their normal life .


  17. A study on methods to measure the social burden of disease and their significance


  18. Objective To explore the effects of social burden of disease on the total BOD .


  19. The factors which have influenced the QOL of patients with cancer were age , gender , occupation , marriage , cultural degree , social support , disease , and so on .


  20. A good work of social security of occupational disease is of great significance to protect laboring security and laborer health , to maintain the stability of society , to further economic development .


  21. Methods A systematic study was made of the political , technical , economic and social viability of neonatal disease screening in China by means of economic and policy evaluation , sociological analysis , and statistical analysis .


  22. With the change of the social environment and the disease spectrum , people ' requirement and demands of health service have been changed greatly , and so has been the health service supplication and utility .


  23. Occurrence of influenza pandemic depends on the biological and social origins of the disease . During a long time from now on to future , re-emerging of influenza pandemic is inevitable .


  24. To interpret the disease value , we have to exceed the clinical biomedical boundary and explore the cultural metaphor and social symbol concerned with disease in such fields as economy , politics , history , literature and law .


  25. Since the reform and opening-up , great changes have taken place in the social environments of the disease prevention in china . More and more problems exist in running mechanism of the national disease surveillance system based on mode of Russia .


  26. Methods Case-control study was used to collect the information from 102 cases of adults ' allergic asthma and 394 controls . The information included general social demographic characteristics , disease history , smoking history , occupation , indoor environmental situation and genetic history of the families .


  27. Wang Meng and Lu Xun is good at excavating the social question equally , and carring on the critique to the feudal culture and social chronic disease , its meaning is also consistent with Lu Xun , is for the attention which causes cures .
